Demo: Aputure Light Storm LS 1S Outside on a Cloudy Day
I had a quick talent shoot for a promo that was outside. I do these a lot and my go to setup is a bounce board and an overhead scrim or butterfly like this set up.

Westcott Scrim Jim And Matthews Bounce Board Set Up
Well… that setup wouldn’t work on this day. It was suppose to rain and the sky was grey so no bouncing or scrim on this one.
The shoot was in a park with no power sources available for lights so I grabbed my Aputure Light Storm LS 1S and a gold mount battery. I wasn’t sure if I would get enough output but the LS 1S puts out around 1K of daylight so I crossed my fingers and preyed it would rain so we can shoot on another day. LOL. No such luck with the rain 😀
As you can see in the demo the Light Storm worked really well. I also had a small Westtcot Flex on the other side that didn’t really do much but I wanted to try it and in hindsight I should have used it as a hair light just out of frame. Oh well. Next time! I flew the lights in on 4″ arms because I want to have options in case I needed to get the light more over the top and the light stand would have been in the shot. Better to have options.
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Filed in: Aputure • Featured Post • Production • Quick Tip