Well… Not sure this X-T3 cage design is good for Arca Swiss QR

December 13, 20180 Comments


The SmallRig Fujifilm X-T3 cage ($89.99) came in today and I’m not sure what they are thinking of putting an Arca Swiss QR design on the cage that goes the wrong way. I suppose it will be good for those extreme Dutch Angles! Would have been nice to have it just not long and in the wrong direction. This is the orientation for stills, not video. Am I missing something here?

But seriously I’m not going to change the orientation of all my QR locks as all my other kit goes the other way. Still, the cage seems pretty nice and I like the added grip in the front. The SmallRig top handle ($59.99) is also pretty good. Uses the ARRI accessories mount that has two pins to attach it. The X-T3 is a small body and the camera in the cage seems to fit nicely.

Now, where is that Arca/Swiss plate at?

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