Apple Airtag. Should I replace my Tile?
I have been using Tile for tracking my keys, bags, and pretty much anything I don’t want to misplace. They have been handy, but during this grueling pandemic, I’m finding tracking stuff is not as important as it has been. With that said, maybe it’s not an ideal time to purchase a 4-pack of Airtag.

While I briefly looked into Airtag, I feel they will be a better option since it does integrate better with iPhone and how it tracks. That isn’t a shocking thing as the ecosystem is strong with Apple products.

My main concern is you need a way to mount and attach them. The Tile I have has a simple opening for attaching to your existing keychain. We boys don’t like large keychains since we put keys in our pockets. My car fob is big enough.
My question for you is, are you a Tile user that switched to Airtag, and was it worth it? I’m inquisitive about hearing your thoughts before I pick up a few. They aren’t costly at $99 for a 4-pack and $29 for a single, but hey! Who wants to waste money, right?
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