Convergent Design Odyssey 7Q+ Hands On Review
I need to make a correction in the review. I stated that a USB3 SATA adapter comes with the the recorder and it does not. I made a mistake on that one. Sorry. This adapter is fairly inexpensive at $17 from a third party. I’m updating the Vimeo version now. Okay if you watched the video […]

Two FREE 256GB SSDs Now Included With Odyssey7Q+
Today Convergent Design added a few extras to the 7Q+. Two free 256 GB SSD drives for starters as well as a miro to mini HDMI cable that is very hard to find. Good move! heres more from Convergent design. Any recorder is only as good as the media it records to. Convergent Design […]

GH4 10 Bit Out With HDMI Has Some Limitations
I have a Convergent Design Odyssey 7Q+ in for review and today I’m going out to do a little shooting with it and the GH4 in 10 bit 4K UHD. It’s always good to do a preliminary settings test before you head out the door and that is when I found a little gotcha. In 10 […]

Nebula 4000 Lite First Impressions And Hands On Review
UPDATED: Feb 17 2015 I finally had some down time and took Presidents day to go shoot with the replacement nebula 4000. As you read this article you will learn the original one was defective and I spent a lot of time just trying to get it to work. Now I have the one […]
Atomos Shogun Introduction from Atomos Video on Vimeo.
Atomos 4K Shogun Recorder Is Now Shipping Plus Features Video By CEO Jeromy Young
Looks really nice! The Shogun is shipping in Europe today Dec 16th and tomorrow in the US. The Shogun should arrive in one week. A couple of things that won’t work on the Shogun is playback. A few bugs are still in that function and Jeromy says it will be a couple weeks or around […]
Convergent Design Releases New Odyssey7Q+ 4K Recorder With 4K HDMI Input
Today Convergent Design released a new version of the flagship recorder. The Odyssey7Q+. The + is for 4K and yes it has the capability to record 8 bit 4K via HDMI with the addition of HDMI 1.4b. The Odyssey7Q+ can record RAW (with Record Options), uncompressed DPX, and Apple ProRes 422 (HQ). HDMI I/O Version 1.4b […]

Zacuto Z-Finder EVF Firmware Update Adds Presets For GH3/GH4 & Sony A7s
Nice to see Zacuto keeping the Z-Finder EVF up to date with a couple of the hottest cameras out. I’m lucky to have both the A7s, GH4 and a few others as well. Blackmagic and FS700. Not sure if they were on the original firmware but I doubt it. The new presets are a welcome addition. Click […]

LANC Controller To Trigger The GH4 That Works!
I’ve been building this GH4 with YAGH rig for a few weeks and as I build I find new issues that need to be addressed and then I of course have to order new parts and wait and wait for them to arrive…. Now I could have just bought a full one brand rig but for […]

Building A Rig For My GH4. Parts. Lots of Parts!
I’ve been messing around with parts I already owned to try and rig up the GH4 for more advanced shooting. Advanced meaning using an audio person and capturing sound into the GH4. Also having better monitoring options for different environments like shooting outside. Here is what I have so far and it works pretty well. […]

$200 Instant Rebate On Panasonic GH4 Plus Double The Warrenty
The GH4 just got a little more affordable and I think it was a great bargain to begin with. Most major retailers have a $200 instant rebate plus double your warranty! Purchase between 11/23 and 12/27 and Panasonic will double the span of your warranty B&H is also throwing in a $50 gift card. Over […]
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