Pre-Order The Atomos Shogun And Get A Free Gift.
The new 4K Atomos Shogun is looking to be a very capable 4K recorder for both the Panasonic GH4 and the Sony A7s. In such a short amount of time these two cameras have changed the landscape for hybrid cameras. They both are for the most part video first and stills second. This type of […]

Panasonic GH4 Audio Issue Now Resolved.
I was hanging out on DVXuser and found out that Panasonic has figured out what the audio buzz issue is and will be fixing the cameras with no charge very soon. This is what the Panasonic rep said. “It is a relatively simple hardware modification to eliminate the buzz.” Thats good news! The Panasonic rep […]
Panasonic GH4 Vs. Canon 5D Mark III With & Without RAW
You knew it was coming….. As seen in the earlier Vs. video. The C100 and GH4 this one to me has a clear winner on image quality. I pick the GH4. The 5D MKIII is just to soft and the RAW files look better but not by that much and it’s HD. The one thing […]

Side By Side Comparison Of The Canon C100 & Panasonic GH4
I normally don’t like these shoot outs because the method is usually flawed. This one is well done so I wanted to share it. They used one lens the Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM and the Atomos Ninja 2 to record the C100 as well as internal AVCHD while only recording the GH4 internally […]

GH4 External Mic Audio Issues and Workaround
Panasonic has announced a fix for the audio buzz. Please click HERE for the full story. UPDATE May 27th. B&H today had a webcast on the GH4 with Panasonic Field Training Manager Mathew Frazer. I asked about the issue through the twitter feed with the hashtag #BHPhotoLive to see if I could get a response. Well I did! Here is […]

Xume Filter Adapters And Hoya PROND Filters. Match Made In Heaven
Hanging out on I found two very cool products. The first is Xume quick release filter adapters, and second is the new Hoya PROND Neutral Density filters. Put these two products together and you get this. I never liked using screw on ND filters with stills lenses. They are clumsy and slow. Really kills […]

Recording Internal Audio With The RODE Lavalier & Panasonic GH4. Hands On Review
After using the GH4 for a broadcast news promo and recording the audio internally with the Sennheiser EK 2000 wireless I wanted to see how good these new preamps are in the Panasonic GH4. I was happy with the sound I had from the wireless setup but how would it compare to say the Canon Cinema […]

Panasonic GH4 News Promo in 4K and 96fps. Is It The First?
I dont know if it’s the first but is sure was for me! It’s May sweeps time! Today I had a quick turn news sweeps promo to shoot and edit by COB for air first thing in the morning. I had shoulder surgery three months ago and it’s been a very slow recovery. I’m not […]

Panasonic GH4 96fps Test. How Good Is It?
I decided to get out of my edit bay this afternoon and shoot a little test footage from the GH4 in 96fps. I like high speed shooting and I don’t get a lot of chances to since my C100 only does 60fps at 720p Yuck!!! Also check out these two new posts. My Panasonic GH4 […]

Which Lenses Should I Buy For My GH4 or GH3?
The GH4 is shipping now and the next big purchase if you don’t already have them is lenses. This list could get really long because the GH4 can take so many different lenses due to its Micro Four Thirds Mount (MFT). Add an adaptor and you can practically use any lens on the market. This […]
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