Quick Tip

Quick Tip: A fast and inexpensive mounting solution for a 7″ monitor on a light stand
I have a few 7″ monitors, and I love the size for its portability and usability off-camera and on a stand. It doesn’t take up a lot of room and is easy to move around. While I like the 7″ size, a smaller 5″ model works better on-camera for me. I have found it difficult […]

Quick Tip: Use Waveform, Zebra or False Color to nail skin tone
I had a shoot yesterday and sometimes I take for granted my workflow. I love using a waveform when shooting. Even the tiny one on the C300 MKII is so useful. Here is an 800% enlargement of the talents forehead. Nailed a nice 65 IRE. Skin will look great with a little CC. Don’t guess. […]

White balance any camera with Waveform Monitor in RGB mode
It’s all in the video! For this tutorial, I used the SmallHD 502 and a GH5 The new OS3 is really great on the SmallHD. If you haven’t updated you should. Check out all the great new features available on the SmallHD monitors with OS3 on Newsshooter.com Thanks for coming by! Please help support my site […]

Tether Tools StrapMoore Neoprene Straps. Great for strapping batteries and power bricks to stands
I found these inexpensive Tether Tools StrapMoore neoprene straps for getting the power brick off the floor and on the light stand. They work great and cost only $19. I use one for my Aputure Light Storm and another on my tripod to hold a large battery to power my a7rii. It works really well […]

Find The Diffusion You Like With This Handy Website Tool
I rarely use lights without some type of modifier. Whether it be a soft box or frame with diffusion attached or even just clipping some on the barn doors! Lights just look better when diffused for that soft even look especially when shooting people. I was looking into getting a roll of 1 stop diffusion […]

Sony Alpha Cameras: Go from Video to Stills Mode with Your Favorite Settings Faster
Have you ever noticed with hybrid cameras that switching from stills mode to video can be a multi setting nightmare? You have to remember to change a lot of settings before you start video recording or you could really have problems. The best way to always have the important settings right in both stills and […]

Demo: Aputure Light Storm LS 1S Outside on a Cloudy Day
I had a quick talent shoot for a promo that was outside. I do these a lot and my go to setup is a bounce board and an overhead scrim or butterfly like this set up. Well… that setup wouldn’t work on this day. It was suppose to rain and the sky was grey so […]

Sony XAVC S Round Trip Issue Workaround with Premiere Pro CC to DaVinci Resolve
I’m getting comfortable using DaVinci Resolve 12 for the most part. Color Grading is just the best and the editing portion is pretty good too but I still have to use Premiere Pro CC 2015. I’ve been using the new Sony A7s II and a7r II lately I wanted to test how well XML round […]

Quick Tip: Bulk Rename Video Files In OSX With a Few Simple Clicks
This one is so easy and useful. Several mirrorless and DSLR cameras don’t create unique file names after the card has been formatted in the camera. You end up with folders of video files that all have the exact same name but in different projects or worries in the same project! If those files go offline […]

Preview Premiere Pro CC 2015 Lumetri Color Grades With Easy Keyboard Shortcut
I learned this little shortcut and had to share. Makes previewing so much easier than going to the effects controls and turning the Lumetri Color effect on and off. Enjoy! Follow me on Twitter @eriknaso and check out my page on Facebook. Thanks for coming by! Please help support my site by using the links on this page […]
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