Welcome! About Me

I have a broadcast television background. I started in the business over 20 years ago. Photojournalism was my start. Working in local newsrooms in several markets, from Bakersfield, CA, to Washington, DC. Fast-paced newsgathering has had a big impact on me as a photographer. I make quick decisions on-site and always look for the next shot to capture. Don’t get me wrong; I also like slowing down and getting into the moment.
In the last 15 years, I’ve moved over to the commercial production world. It’s great to use the toys that production demands. Bring out the dolly and the jib for this shot! I’ve been lucky to be honored with eighteen Emmy awards and three Telly for my work in broadcast. My passion is telling visual stories, even if it’s just a camera test. I hope to share my 25 years of experience and techniques with this blog. Hopefully, you will pick up a few tips along the way. I’ve recently joined forces with Newsshooter.com as their US Correspondent. This fantastic opportunity has allowed me to travel to trade shows worldwide and see firsthand all the new gear and interview and post about them.
Please visit my Vimeo site and YouTube Channel.
Want to reach me by email? CONTACT ME. If you have a question about gear related to an article, please leave a comment on the post page, and I will do my best to answer it. I prefer this because the answers can also help others too. Thanks!
Gear I use.
I shoot primarily with the Canon C300 MKII and an EOS R and R5. The R5 is my baby 😀 . These cameras are amazing! The AF-100 was the camera that really changed the way I shoot. I didn’t get into the DSLR rage a few years ago because it required so many workarounds to get them to work as a proper video camera. The results from using DSLR cameras are excellent, and people have made wonderful videos with them. I have used them for b-roll only and like the results.
The AF-100 is the first camera to crossover and merge large CMOS sensor cameras for video use, and it gets great shallow DOF that I like a lot. I’ve spent so many years shooting with 2/3 chip CCD cameras that struggle with shallow DOF. Now with fast SLR lenses, I’m achieving the look of a filmmaker. So sweet! Recently I now have the C300 to use, and it’s a great camera. Technology is moving so fast these days it’s hard to keep up. I’m trying my hardest to do just that and loving every minute of it!
I wanted to start a blog so that I can share my experiences as a DP and Editor. Poke around; hopefully, you will get something out of the content. To keep this blog going, I have added a few affiliates. B&H, Adorama, Zacuto, Amazon, and Think Tank Photo are great companies that sell the tools that I use, and if you use these links on my site, I get a little love back from them. It’s not much, but every bit helps offset the expense and time I spend on this site. I want to up my game, get more reviews out, and grow this site, so thank you for helping me bring more content to share. I also want you to know that I don’t get paid for doing reviews.
I have done reviews for products that I have either bought and use or provided by vendors, whether directly or from a distributor. If I get the opportunity to review a piece of equipment sent to me by a manufacturer, I will tell you upfront, but my opinion will always be mine about the product. In other words, I won’t be paid to give a favorable review. That would defeat the purpose of this blog as a resource for gear. I also feel you should always do your research before you buy, and that includes reading other blogs and form an educated opinion if a piece of gear is right for you. We all have different needs, and no one piece of gear is perfect for everyone.
Thanks for stopping by!
Erik Naso
Social Media