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Thanks for visiting! I put a lot of time and effort into this site, and I do so in my own spare time. I say spare because I dont get paid to do this. I work full time as a DP/editor at a local broadcast station in San Diego and spend my available time doing reviews and writing articles on topics that interest me and offering up tips on video production. Hopefully, this site helps you in some way.
To keep up with the expense of running a website, I have added a few sponsors. These are companies that I trust and buy my gear from. By using these links, I get a small percentage from them. It doesn’t cost you anything extra to use the links. This is a great easy way to help.
Please support by bookmarking the following links so when you go shopping for that hot new camera or even just an HDMI cable, it will really help me keep this site running.
B&H, Adorama, Zacuto, & Think Tank Photo
Thanks for your support, and I look forward to improving and growing into a great place for content you like.
Erik Naso
These retailers are the same ones I use to buy my gear. I trust them, and they support me. Please use these links. It really helps keep this site going.

Think Tank Photo is a new affiliate, and they are offering my readers a special gift with a $50 purchase.

Follow me on Twitter @eriknaso and check out my page on Facebook.
Thanks for coming by! Please help support my site by using the links on this page or bookmark these from my favorite retailers, B&H, Adorama, Zacuto, & Think Tank Photo. Using the links cost you nothing extra, but it helps offset the cost of running my blog. Thanks again for coming by!
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