Tag: Atomos Spyder
Atomos Shogun Introduction from Atomos Video on Vimeo.
Atomos 4K Shogun Recorder Is Now Shipping Plus Features Video By CEO Jeromy Young
Looks really nice! The Shogun is shipping in Europe today Dec 16th and tomorrow in the US. The Shogun should arrive in one week. A couple of things that won’t work on the Shogun is playback. A few bugs are still in that function and Jeromy says it will be a couple weeks or around […]

Datacolor SpyderHD Color Calibration Now For Video Monitors Too.
I’ve been looking for a product that would get my HD television, field monitors and reference monitors in my edit bay to all be calibrated. Well now it looks like it’s no longer a dream. I have the new Datacolor SpyderHD in house for a hands on review and I’m pretty excited to dive in. For the […]
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