Tag: Cinema Lens

Veydra Introduces New Line Of Micro 4/3 Mount Mini Prime Cinema Lenses With Kickstarter Campaign
A new optics company is emerging. Veydra. Today they introduce a new line of Micro Four Thirds Cinema Primes on Kickstarter. Ryan Avery and his team have started the campaign with a goal of $50,000. Lets take a look at what these nice looking MFT cinema primes are all about. Veydra Mini Prime lenses […]

Which Lenses Should I Buy For My GH4 or GH3?
The GH4 is shipping now and the next big purchase if you don’t already have them is lenses. This list could get really long because the GH4 can take so many different lenses due to its Micro Four Thirds Mount (MFT). Add an adaptor and you can practically use any lens on the market. This […]

Canon CINE-SERVO 17-120mm T2.95 Zoom Lens. ENG Style Optics Available in EF and PL
What a sweet looking lens. I have wanted a lens like this for a long time and I can see renting it for special projects since the price is around $33,000. With a removable servo grip to use the lens in a cine configuration is brilliant. Canon got this one right with a swappable EF […]

Canon EOS 1DC Now Has $2K Instant Rebate. $9999. 0% Lease Option Also Available
The Canon EOS 1DC is now $9999. with instant $2k rebate and is available today. This is the first price reduction or or instant rebate on the 1DC. Canon also announced a new C100 with lens bundle and Dual Pixel CMOS pre installed. Both cameras have 0% lease options from Canon Financial. I’ll get link […]

Canon Offers C100 With Dual Pixel CMOS AF Preinstalled With Lens Bundles
It looks like Canon changed their minds about not selling a retail Cinema EOS camera with the Dual Pixel CMOS AF Technology pre installed. Today Canon announced several bundles with killer Canon lenses and the C100 with upgrade and no lens. Check out the offerings below. This is not a April fools joke either. Canon […]

Building A Zacuto Recoil Rig. My Hands On Review
I’ve been on a quest to build the perfect camera rig for some time now. In fact I wrote a blog post on just that! Using several different bits and pieces to create a well balanced shoulder mounted rig. I got so close but just never had one system that absolutely worked. I basically quit […]

Canon C100 Price Drop. $4999. Best In Class At That Price
Canon announced some rebates and price drops this week. The C500 has a rebate bringing it to$16,999 from $20K. This rebate ends January 4th. Most of you are probably more interested in the C100. It’s now $4999. The Sony’s FS700 sells for $7699. That makes it $2700 less! The FS100 is $3999. but lack of […]

New Sigma 24-105mm F4 DG OS HSM Lens Released. Sort Of.
The lens has been rumored then on October 15th. Sigma officially released the lens on their website for about five hours then the link went down and it’s still down. Not sure why it went down but the lens does exist and I did see it and gathered this info. I have, and like very […]

Canon Unveils New Cinema EOS Firmware Update Page
Get all the firmware info and the link for the downloading the updates from Canon on a special new page dedicated for just the updates. Looking forward to the crazy 80,000 ISO and Push Auto Iris/One-Shot AF and so much more little goodies! Check it out and bookmark it! UPDATE 12/28/2013 Thanksgiving day Canon re-released the firmware […]

Zacuto Z-Drive and Tornado. A Powerful Combo For Pulling Focus
UPDATE Feb 10th 2014. Check out my full review on Zacuto.com. I have a full Recoil rig coming in by next week, and yes the Z-Drive and Tornado will be included. I’m also getting the Axis EVF system for my Zacuto EVF Pro, and the Grip Relocator with a short rail to bring it lower, […]
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