Tag: Emmy

I was inducted into the Pacific Southwest National Academy of Arts & Sciences Silver Circle

I was inducted into the Pacific Southwest National Academy of Arts & Sciences Silver Circle

May 16, 20240 Comments

It was a real honor to be inducted into the Pacific Southwest National Academy of Arts & Sciences Silver Circle recently. I’ve been in the broadcast business for over 30 years. Wow, just writing that makes me feel pretty darn old! The Silver Circle recognizes professionals who have performed distinguished service within the television industry […]

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I received 4 Emmy nominations for my work in broadcast. PLUS what’s going on with eriknaso.com?

I received 4 Emmy nominations for my work in broadcast. PLUS what’s going on with eriknaso.com?

May 4, 20175 Comments

In this crazy business every year I go through the promos and spots I’ve worked on to decide what to enter for the Emmy’s. It’s never an easy process because I’m my own worst critic. This year I received four nominations! SWEETNESS! First off i’m really lucky to have a carrier I truly love. Not everyday […]

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I Received 7 Emmy Nominations. That’s Crazy!

I Received 7 Emmy Nominations. That’s Crazy!

May 1, 20136 Comments

What an exciting evening it was! Truly a personal best. Now lets see if I actually win an Emmy! I’m also very proud of my wife Bridget Naso who received two nominations. She is a very talented journalist. Congratulations to you honey! The fun part is I used three different cameras for these spots. The […]

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