Tag: EOS

Canon EOS-1D C Camera Now $7999 after $4K Price Drop
A huge $4000 price drop on the Canon EOS 1Dc went live this morning. The body only is $7999. down from $12K. What does this mean? It means new cameras are coming very soon that will replace this 1Dc but what will it be? A 1Dc MKII or a all new 4K video version. This […]

Canon 70D With Dual Pixel CMOS AF. My Two Part Review
I decided to break this up into two parts. This first part will cover my thoughts on the camera and shooting stills primarily. I have a few tests on the video side done but haven’t gone out to really shoot yet. Please come back for the review that will cover the video side of the […]

Canon Cinema Prime Lenses Arrived Today
Today I got a package from Canon. Two Canon Cinema Primes! Thanks to Terry Nixon from Texas Media Systems for arranging this for me. Terry your awesome! So now what? Well I’m going to play around a bit with these fine prime lenses and see how they work. First impression is wow! The mechanics […]

Which Lenses Should I Buy For My C100, C300?
When I got the Canon C300 EF at work and recently bought a C100 for myself, I had the same question we all have. What lenses to buy? I got lucky when I rented the C100 for seven days to shoot a series of news image spots. I already owned a few Canon lenses that […]
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