Tag: Lumix 35-100

Matching the GH4 To The C100 & C300 C Log. Can It Be Done?
I have a shoot that I want to use both the Canon C100 and the Panasonic GH4 together but I dont want to match these two cameras in post. I think it’s best to get the GH4 to match the C100 in camera as close as possible and tweak them in post insead. I got […]

Which Lenses Should I Buy For My GH4 or GH3?
The GH4 is shipping now and the next big purchase if you don’t already have them is lenses. This list could get really long because the GH4 can take so many different lenses due to its Micro Four Thirds Mount (MFT). Add an adaptor and you can practically use any lens on the market. This […]

Canon 70D With Dual Pixel CMOS AF. My Two Part Review
I decided to break this up into two parts. This first part will cover my thoughts on the camera and shooting stills primarily. I have a few tests on the video side done but haven’t gone out to really shoot yet. Please come back for the review that will cover the video side of the […]
Panasonic GH3 Has Arrived! Review And Video
Amazon.com Widgets The FedEx gal brought me an early Christmas present today. I got lucky to get the Panasonic GH3 when it was released. The camera is hard to get just like the GH2 was. I opened up the box and popped the battery in to fire her up! The battery only had one […]
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