Tag: ProRes

Convergent Design Apollo Option NOW $500 Off for a Limited Time
I love my 7Q+. Very solid and dependable piece of gear. Convergent Design keeps making the 7Q and 7Q+ better with updates and new features. A very cool feature that I still haven’t installed yet. Ugh Erik!!!! is the the Apollo multi-cam recording option. This is crazy good if you need to record more than […]

New Convergent Design Update Adds 4K downconvert & More ProRes Options
Today Convergent Design has released a new update for the 7Q+ that enables a few nice features including one I really wanted. More ProRes flavors! Apple ProRes 422 & Apple ProRes 422 (LT) to go along with Apple ProRes 422 (HQ). I like this a lot especially when shooting with a more baked in look. Another new feature […]

Setting Up The Canon C100 & Atomos Ninja 2
The Atomos Ninja 2 is a perfect fit for the C100. In fact Canon worked with Atomos to get it to work as well as it does. I wish the monitor was a little better but for the price it works very well. One of the best features is the C100 will trigger the recorder […]
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