Just How Much Does That New Hard Drive Actually Cost Per Terabyte?

January 14, 20160 Comments

Hard drives are getting cheaper per terabyte or per gig every year, but figuring out what the sweet spot is for value can be confusing when looking at the 2 terabyte or 6TB options. Here is how you know exactly what capacity is the best deal.

The cost per Terabytes is simply calculated by dividing the total cost of the drive by total number of Terabytes.

So for example if you were buying a 2TB Terabytes Western Digital Red 2TB NAS Hard Disk Drive for $85.00 then your cost per Terabyte for that hard drive will be $42.50.

85 ÷ 2 = 42.50

The cost per Terabyte is $42.50

Same rule applies if you are using Gigabytes. Just divided the total cost of the hard drive by the number of Gigabytes.

So for example if you were buying a 2000 Gigabyte Western Digital Red NAS Hard Disk Drive for $85.00 then your cost perGigabytes for that hard drive will be $42.50.

85 ÷ 2000 = 0.0425

The cost per Gigabyte is $0.0435

In the past when drives where in the gigabytes it was more confusing because the numbers where higher but now that the we are in the Terabytes it’s a little easier. This method is great for any media storage like SD cards and Compact Flash. Always good to know what things cost. Class dismissed!

Since we are talking storage I’ve been using the Western Digital NAS drives for most of my RAID setups. Why? Because they have a 3-year manufacturer limited warranty and are designed to be spinning 24/7. I like the idea that I’m using a server grade drive for my media.

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